Tag: MES in the cloud
20 Dec Atachi Systems Named to Pharma Tech Outlook’s Top 10 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Solution Providers 2016
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December 20, 2016
Atachi Systems Named to Pharma Tech Outlook’s Top 10 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Solution Providers 2016
FREMONT, CA— Atachi Systems has been recognized as one of the Top 10 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Solution Providers by Pharma Tech Outlook Magazine.
“We take pride in honoring Atachi Systems as one among the 10 companies that are specialized in providing Pharmaceutical Manufacturing solutions,” said Stacey Smith, Managing Editor of Pharma Tech Outlook.
Atachi Systems NGIMES a cloud based Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), which is quick to deploy, cost efficient and highly scalable. This cloud-based MES dismisses the need for complex IT systems in fast-changing hardware and software life cycle management environments.
About Atachi Systems
Atachi Systems provides manufacturing companies with a seamless, cloud-based Manufacturing Execution System that reduces dependencies on infrastructure, lowers maintenance costs, and improves access to real-time visibility of shop-floor operations for engineers and managers at all levels. The company was founded in 2007 to streamline the IT services that enable discrete manufacturing companies to improve efficiency and grow profits. For more info, visit: www.atachisystems.com
About Pharma Tech Outlook
Published from Fremont, California, Pharma Tech Outlook is a print magazine that covers most important and latest developments in pharmaceutical industry. A panel of experts and members of Pharma Tech Outlook’s editorial board selected and finalized the “Top 10 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Solution Providers 2016” and shortlisted the best vendors and consultants. For more info: www.pharmatechoutlook.com
5 Aug Why Should Manufacturers Consider a Cloud- based Manufacturing Execution System (MES)?
Why Should Manufacturers Consider a Cloud- based Manufacturing Execution System (MES)?
By Mekala S Rao
New Product Introductions (NPI) have helped fuel technological advancement in the manufacturing industry. As the market for high-quality compliant products with higher throughputs expands, manufacturers have had to work with reduced margins to keep pace. As a result, manufacturers now depend more heavily on Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES).
MES systems are difficult to evaluate, and have been expensive to own and maintain. Due to the ever-evolving nature of the IT landscape and the technological components involved in MES platforms, it’s often difficult for manufacturers to see adequate ROI. Additionally, the shortage of skilled resources necessary to enhance MES applications and business functionalities in an efficient and timely manner has burdened manufacturers of all sizes.
This white paper addresses the MES forces and paper-based processes that are contributing to manufacturing operations’ loss of flexibility and time-sensitive market innovations. Atachi Systems has proposed how manufacturers can leverage the latest disruptive IT technologies (Cloud, SAP HANA) available in today’s economy.
4 Aug Atachi Systems Announces Availability of Its NGIMES Cloud Application for Manufacturing, Running on SAP HANA® Cloud Platform, Now Live on SAP® Store
Atachi Systems Announces Availability of Its NGIMES Cloud Application for Manufacturing, Running on SAP HANA® Cloud Platform, Now Live on SAP® Store
NGIMES Delivers Performance, Scalability and Cost-Efficiency to Manufacturing Operations
SAN JOSE, Calif. — August 04, 2015 — Atachi Systems today announced availability of its NGIMES, a next-generation application for manufacturing execution systems (MES), which runs on SAP HANA® Cloud Platform. The solution provides customers real-time visibility of their manufacturing operations, delivering performance, scalability and cost-efficiency. The company has also launched its storefront on the SAP® Store, where it will market and sell its NGIMES cloud application.
NGIMES helps significantly reduce the total cost of ownership of an MES application. Performance and scalability are in-built features of SAP HANA Cloud Platform and NGIMES, relieving manufacturers of IT applications maintenance with a single point of ownership.
As a member of the SAP PartnerEdge® program for Application Development, Atachi Systems developed its application leveraging SAP HANA Cloud Platform. SAP HANA Cloud Platform enabled Atachi to develop the enterprise application NGIMES much faster and more cost-effectively than other technology options available.
The SAP PartnerEdge program for Application Development is a simple and comprehensive program designed to empower partners to build, market and sell software applications on top of market-leading technology platforms from SAP. It provides the enablement tools, benefits and support to facilitate building high-quality, disruptive applications focused on specific business needs – quickly and cost-effectively. The program provides access to all relevant SAP technologies in one simplified framework under a single, global contract. Once developed, participants can market and sell their applications on SAP Store.
SAP Store is the online e-commerce channel or “e-channel” for enterprise solutions and services from SAP and its partners. SAP Store is the place for customers to gain instant access to the insight they need to make informed buying decisions. They have the ability to discover, try, purchase and deploy a wide range of solutions from SAP and the SAP partner ecosystem.
About Atachi Systems
Based in San Jose, CA, Atachi Systems provides manufacturing companies with a seamless, cloud-based manufacturing execution system that reduces dependencies on infrastructure, lowers maintenance costs and improves access to real-time data.
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For more information, press only:
Phone: 408-834-7124: e-mail: info@atachisystems.com; website: www.atachisystems.com