11 Feb Atachi Systems Contribution to Fight Covid-19

Posted at : February 11,2021 in News by in Atachi Systems

Atachi Systems Pledges Free Mes Software For 50 Small Medical Devices & Diagnostics, Pharma And Life Sciences Manufacturers For 1 Year.

Atachi Systems Pledges Free MES software for 50 Small Medical Devices & Diagnostics, Pharma and Life Sciences Manufacturers for 1 year.

Atachi Systems would like to join the community in helping the small and medium manufacturers by providing Next Generation Manufacturing Execution Systems (NGIMES) software for the next 12 months for free.

[San Jose, California, USA]NGIMES is the “premiere” MES for pharmaceutical manufacturing companies that use SAP ERP. It helps comply with 21CFR Part 11 electronic signatures, FDA audits, validation and confirms to US FDA cGMP requirements. Furthermore, pharmaceutical companies can take advantage of the cloud based MES (NGIMES) to contain costs while delivering accelerated performance with its in-memory computing platform.

Free Ebmr Softwares (Next Generation Manufacturing Execution Systems (NGIMES) software ) By Atachi Systems, USA
Atachi Systems Pledges Free MES software for 50 Small Medical Devices & Diagnostics, Pharma and Life Sciences Manufacturers for 1 year.

Atachi Systems is pledging to give the NGIMESNext Gen MES software (SAP Certified for being built on SAP Cloud Platform) running in the cloud FREE for the next 12 months for the first 50 small and mid-size manufacturers.

Due to Coronavirus epidemic, a new medical urgency has emerged now, and the disease burden of the world has increased manifold. To fight against this, it will be essential for pharmaceutical companies to develop effective new medicines to address the demands of the whole world at a faster pace than ever. Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Manufacturers are working very hard to produce the drugs and medical supplies, the demand for which is much higher than ever anticipated, that can provide the relief for the humanity at this time.

It is critical time for the humanity to fight against this epidemic and for this the Pharma manufacturers will have to collaborate with numerous service providers to deliver packages of care.

The fact that governments and health insurers everywhere are struggling to contain their expenditure. The issue is further exacerbated by the current economic turmoil that will put even greater financial pressure on the payer community. All the governments and businesses across the world have joined in funding the efforts to overcome this crisis.

Atachi Systems (atachisystems.com) would like to join hands with the community in helping the small and medium manufacturers in producing the medical supplies or devices and drugs in a compliant manner by giving our Next Generation Manufacturing Execution Systems (NGIMES), software for the next 12 months for free without any strings attached to continue the software afterwards. For speeding up manufacturing the drugs and medical devices and diagnostics and delivering it to the market.
“We take pride in honouring Atachi Systems as one among the 10 MES companies that are specialized in providing Pharmaceutical Manufacturing solutions,” said Stacey Smith, Managing Editor of Pharma Tech Outlook.

The cloud-based NGIMES platform offers a quality user experience, allowing effectively manage manufacturing operations using a single unified system. End-to-end supply chain and production visibility enables you to stay on top of every material movement and changes in production data across the enterprise.

NGIMES offers seamless setup and does not require investments in additional servers or IT maintenance. It’s highly flexible to serve complex manufacturing companies of all sizes without disrupting existing infrastructure. Integration is seamless with your other applications, either on the cloud or on the premises.

About Atachi Systems:

Atachi Systems provides manufacturing companies with a seamless, cloud-based Manufacturing Execution System that reduces dependencies on infrastructure, lowers maintenance costs, and improves access to real-time visibility of shop-floor operations for engineers and managers at all levels. The company was founded in 2007 to streamline the MES solutions that enable discrete and continuous manufacturing companies to improve efficiency and grow profits.

For more info, visit: www.atachisystems.com

Media Contact:
Atachi Systems (www.atachisystems.com)

4 Jan Measuring customers’ manufacturing needs

Posted at : January 4,2016 in News by in Atachi Systems
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When looking at the keys to growing a manufacturing business, there are several aspects industry leaders must take into account. Certain qualities may matter more to a company depending on the field they are in or how many products they manufacture per year. But overall, most within the industry agree that implementing digital technology and creating well-built products are major keys to a manufacturing company’s success.

A recently released survey by Cisco emphasizes these points, but also shows that many in the manufacturing industry are lagging behind. While the market as a whole seems to recognize what the keys to success are, not every business has the resources to meet these ever-growing needs, creating a larger lag than ever before between the haves and the have-nots.

To make up for this discrepancy, many manufacturing businesses are turning to software that can help solve some of the issues that the lack of resources represent. By allowing technology to handle more responsibility than ever before, business owners can focus more of their attention on the areas of a company they believe need the most assistance.

Customer needs
Cisco surveyed 625 manufacturing executives from around the world, asking a variety of questions about growing a business and getting the highest quality production possible. What the survey found was that a majority of leaders do not think that high-quality products are the key to a company’s growth. Instead, 86 percent said that their customer service was the top priority. Yet only 29 percent of respondents stated that services will grow faster than the product aspect of a company, meaning there is a disconnect for some on where to prioritize resources.

Rick Schneider, the CEO of FANUC America, was one of the executives surveyed. He told Cisco that instead of letting the products try to sell themselves, his company wants to know what customers think. Their feedback helps dictate what a manufacturing business should do moving forward.

“We can give feedback to customers proactively: how to save energy in terms of the operations of their machines, how to make the machine last longer, how to reduce cycle time, so it gives us a whole new set of business opportunities that we can offer to customers to really improve their performance and our ability to support them as a customer,” Schneider said.

“Half of the manufacturing firms surveyed expected growth over the next six months.”

While taking customer’s needs into account, a manufacturing business will only thrive if their products are worth buying. Different businesses have their own unique perspectives on the best way to go about making upgraded products. No matter what the approach, manufacturing around the U.S. seems to be a doing well.

According to the November Manufacturing Business Outlook Survey, issued by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, many companies are seeing growth, both in terms of the number of employees and their production, manufacturing around the U.S. is strong. Half of the manufacturing firms surveyed expected growth over the next six months, while only 7 percent projected a decrease in their sales.

Using the cloud
Along with more of a focus on service, another main takeaway from the Cisco survey was how important cloud technology is to so many within manufacturing. When asked what digital technology will make the biggest impact for their company’s in the next three years, the leading answer was the cloud, at 37 percent.

With the ability to track how a business is doing and focus attention on areas of the company that need help, cloud software can make a huge difference for manufacturers. Dirk Salma, the director of business development for Bosch Software Innovations, said to Cisco that finding the ideal cloud software is one of the biggest obstacles manufacturing businesses have in this day and age.

“A manufacturing business will only thrive if their products are worth buying.”

“One challenge is on the technology side, making sure that the right infrastructure is provided,” Salma said. “The second challenge I would see is more on the organizational level, to make sure that you somehow help your organization move towards these new business models.”

NGIMES, from Atachi, can help manufacturers reach their desired goals – whatever those may be. The software helps a business save time and money, as it reduces a company’s need for an IT department while speeding up deployment time on products. It also allows for greater visibility, as the software can help owners make quicker decisions.

Many within manufacturing are leaning more than ever before on customer response. Tools such as NGIMES can help turn those insights into results, while still helping a company keep its footing moving forward.

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4 Jan The future of manufacturing

Posted at : January 4,2016 in News by in Atachi Systems
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A question that resonates with business leaders in nearly every industry is a simple one: “What’s next?” Nobody knows exactly what the future has in store, but a company that can anticipate and prepare well for what may be to come will be in much better position than a competitor with a more laid-back approach. Understanding emerging technologies and having a guess to where the industry is going will, more often than not, be beneficial to a company.

Within manufacturing, there are several different theories as to what will be the next big wave that changes the entire industry. However, a recent survey offered a bit of a hint. Deloitte Global asked researchers, technology leaders and other manufacturing professionals about what innovations would most impact their job moving forward, and the top result was predictive analytics. Connected products and advanced materials also were among the top answers,

Craig Giffi, Deloitte’s vice chairman, explained that countries all around the world are seeing how interconnected manufactured goods can improve efficiency and provide income.

“By investing in advanced manufacturing technologies, nations may enhance their competitiveness and drive economic prosperity,” Giff said in a news release issued by Deloitte. “Investments in research and development can lead to advanced manufacturing capabilities. This, in turn, can lead to more complex and exclusive products for export and these high-tech, often high-value, exports can then make a nation more competitive.”

For companies that want to be a part of these investments and profits, understanding how predictive analytics impacts everything a business does – from decisions made by executives to production on the shop floor – can be a massive difference maker. Predictive analytics are all about anticipating what’s to come next, the exact thing a manufacturing business can do by understanding how the technology works for them.

In order to gather the proper insights, however, advanced cloud software is needed.

Getting the most from data
Manufacturing has been tied to data for a long time, but as technology has advanced, the connection between the two has strengthened. Predictive analytics attempts to use the statistics a company naturally generates about its production lines and sales, then incorporates detailed mathematical formulas to try and predict behaviors or trends in the future, based on the past data. These insights can help determine future strategies and point a business in the right direction.

“Predictive analytics attempts to use the statistics a company naturally generates.”

TIBCo explained that there are several ways manufacturing can be impacted by predictive analytics. One way is anticipating demand. By studying former trends and getting an advanced understanding of changing customer views, a manufacturing business is better equipped to churn out the products to meet that demand.

More manufacturing companies are sensing the growing changes that predictive analytics provide. According to the Deloitte study, the market for machine-manufactured intelligence is growing. As more data is brought in, the better insights a company can make. In 2013, that industry was worth less than $1 billion. By the end of 2015, the industry – which combines technology with computing power – will be worth upwards of $36 billion.

Turning info into changes
Having data can only do so much. Without the proper tools to implement the information that has been gathered, there is very little to be gained. That’s why advanced cloud computing software goes hand-in-hand with predictive analytics. If a company is going to make the investment into figuring out where the manufacturing market is headed, they should also be willing to spend on making it work to their advantage.

As Manufacturing.net stated, advanced manufacturing comes in many forms, including robotics. The Deloitte study showed though that insiders within the field are confident that predictive analytics will make the biggest difference in the long run. With so much demand out there to know what’s next, it is those insights that do the best job in answering that very important question.

Atachi’s NGIMES works to collect data and help manufacturing companies, giving them the information they need to look ahead. Because it is cost efficient, companies that use NGIMES will have the resources available to invest in the future. They will also be saving time, because of how quickly the Atachi software can begin working for a business.

29 Dec Lowering supply chain costs

Posted at : December 29,2015 in Cloud Technology by in Atachi Systems
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Executives of manufacturing companies are always looking for ways to reduce the cost of their supply chain. If they can somehow lower the amount of money and time it takes for a product to go from the developmental stage to manufacturing into the hands of consumers, the executive can raise profits and expand the company. The supply chain is the key to entire business, so lowering those costs – while still manufacturing high-quality goods – is a tricky task.

According to manufacturing.net, the supply chain takes up between 50 and 70 percent of a company’s total costs. Given that type of investment, developing a strategy for lowering expenses is both important and complex. Weighing the risks and rewards of any sort of move requires a great knowledge to how the chain operates, as well as a clear vision of the end goal.

There are ways, however, to reduce the costs of a supply chain without taking too large of a bite out of productivity. Understand how these tactics could boost a business’s production output and its bottom line.

Reconfigure the supply chain design
One reason a business may not be generating as much profit as projected may not have anything to do with the products you’re selling or the prices you charge. Instead, it could be the layout of your supply chain. Work may be going slower or not as efficiently as it could because workers are not in the best position to succeed.

According to Lora Cecere, the founder of Supply Chain Insights, only 22 percent of businesses actively design their supply chain. The rest just let the chips fall where they may, so to speak. Writing for Forbes, Cecere stated that executives should examine factors such as the function of the inventory, the alignment of suppliers and the design of the channel. By creating a specific plan, a business is allowing its workers and equipment to be more efficient.

Supply chain manufacturing A smarter supply chain can lead to a more profitable business for manufacturing companies.

Eliminate false savings
Many business owners fall into the trap of paying more for shipping and transportation in lieu of keeping more goods in-house. These executives are so desperate to keep their shop floors clean and their inventory low that they are willing to overspend on express shipping or storage elsewhere. However, all of that is factored into the supply chain costs and may be one of the reasons why a manufacturing company may not have generated the profits they expected, Inbound Logistics explained.

Calculating every aspect of the business, including transportation, storage and express deliveries, will give you a better understanding of the supply chain costs. It may turn out that the amount your company is paying to ship goods quickly instead of keeping an inventory is a gross negative expense. These false savings can doom a company and its supply chain if not corrected quickly. Make the decisions that are best for your company as a whole, not the ones that are just assumed to be the smartest choice.

Examine shipping policies
Manufacturing.net explained that by taking a smarter approach to their delivery process, a manufacturing company can lower total costs of the supply chain. From shipping more in bulk to using smarter visibility software that tracks how much of a product is being sold, the advanced ways of thinking will prevent a business from wasting its time, money or resources when trying to deliver its goods.

Use the cloud
Having software that tracks supply chain costs and can identify specific problem areas to fix can help you make the necessary changes before it’s too late. With so much going on, it can often be difficult to spot areas that are lagging behind, which is why having advanced technology that is tied to every aspect of the chain is valuable.

NGIMES, by Atachi, does just that for a manufacturing business. With rapid response times and real-time visibility, you are able to see what issues a supply chain is having and make the corrections right away. By providing instant access to important data, NGIMES is a must-have tool for business leaders who are looking to lower their supply chain costs and improve their manufacturing production.

4 Aug Atachi Systems Announces Availability of Its NGIMES Cloud Application for Manufacturing, Running on SAP HANA® Cloud Platform, Now Live on SAP® Store

Posted at : August 4,2015 in News by in Atachi Systems
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Atachi Systems Announces Availability of Its NGIMES Cloud Application for Manufacturing, Running on SAP HANA® Cloud Platform, Now Live on SAP® Store

NGIMES Delivers Performance, Scalability and Cost-Efficiency to Manufacturing Operations

SAN JOSE, Calif. — August 04, 2015 — Atachi Systems today announced availability of its NGIMES, a next-generation application for manufacturing execution systems (MES), which runs on SAP HANA® Cloud Platform. The solution provides customers real-time visibility of their manufacturing operations, delivering performance, scalability and cost-efficiency. The company has also launched its storefront on the SAP® Store, where it will market and sell its NGIMES cloud application.

NGIMES helps significantly reduce the total cost of ownership of an MES application. Performance and scalability are in-built features of SAP HANA Cloud Platform and NGIMES, relieving manufacturers of IT applications maintenance with a single point of ownership.

As a member of the SAP PartnerEdge® program for Application Development, Atachi Systems developed its application leveraging SAP HANA Cloud Platform. SAP HANA Cloud Platform enabled Atachi to develop the enterprise application NGIMES much faster and more cost-effectively than other technology options available.

The SAP PartnerEdge program for Application Development is a simple and comprehensive program designed to empower partners to build, market and sell software applications on top of market-leading technology platforms from SAP. It provides the enablement tools, benefits and support to facilitate building high-quality, disruptive applications focused on specific business needs – quickly and cost-effectively. The program provides access to all relevant SAP technologies in one simplified framework under a single, global contract. Once developed, participants can market and sell their applications on SAP Store.

SAP Store is the online e-commerce channel or “e-channel” for enterprise solutions and services from SAP and its partners. SAP Store is the place for customers to gain instant access to the insight they need to make informed buying decisions. They have the ability to discover, try, purchase and deploy a wide range of solutions from SAP and the SAP partner ecosystem.

About Atachi Systems

Based in San Jose, CA, Atachi Systems provides manufacturing companies with a seamless, cloud-based manufacturing execution system that reduces dependencies on infrastructure, lowers maintenance costs and improves access to real-time data.

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SAP, SAP HANA, PartnerEdge and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. See http://www.sap.com/corporate-en/legal/copyright/index.epx for additional trademark information and notices. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies.

For more information, press only:

Phone: 408-834-7124: e-mail: info@atachisystems.com; website: www.atachisystems.com

9 Jul 20 Most Promising Manufacturing Technology Solution Providers by CIO Review Magazine (June 30, 2015)

Posted at : July 9,2015 in News by in Atachi Systems

A distinguished panel comprising of CEOs, CIOs, CMOs, VCs, analysts and the CIO Review editorial board has selected top players from over a thousand companies. Select companies who made this privileged list were evaluated on their company’s offerings, core competency, news/press releases, client testimonials, milestones and other recognitions.

Atachi Systems is proud to be selected as one of the 20 Most Promising Manufacturing Technology Solutions Providers.  Atachi Systems’ offering of a cloud based MES – NGIMES is paving a path for manufacturers to deploy MES in a simple, seamless and cost effective manner.  For more information, please read the article by click on the logo below.

Manufacturing tech solution

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