Tag: eBMR
20 Dec Atachi Systems Named to Pharma Tech Outlook’s Top 10 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Solution Providers 2016
Valley Media Inc.44790, S. Grimmer Blvd,
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December 20, 2016
Atachi Systems Named to Pharma Tech Outlook’s Top 10 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Solution Providers 2016
FREMONT, CA— Atachi Systems has been recognized as one of the Top 10 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Solution Providers by Pharma Tech Outlook Magazine.
“We take pride in honoring Atachi Systems as one among the 10 companies that are specialized in providing Pharmaceutical Manufacturing solutions,” said Stacey Smith, Managing Editor of Pharma Tech Outlook.
Atachi Systems NGIMES a cloud based Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), which is quick to deploy, cost efficient and highly scalable. This cloud-based MES dismisses the need for complex IT systems in fast-changing hardware and software life cycle management environments.
About Atachi Systems
Atachi Systems provides manufacturing companies with a seamless, cloud-based Manufacturing Execution System that reduces dependencies on infrastructure, lowers maintenance costs, and improves access to real-time visibility of shop-floor operations for engineers and managers at all levels. The company was founded in 2007 to streamline the IT services that enable discrete manufacturing companies to improve efficiency and grow profits. For more info, visit: www.atachisystems.com
About Pharma Tech Outlook
Published from Fremont, California, Pharma Tech Outlook is a print magazine that covers most important and latest developments in pharmaceutical industry. A panel of experts and members of Pharma Tech Outlook’s editorial board selected and finalized the “Top 10 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Solution Providers 2016” and shortlisted the best vendors and consultants. For more info: www.pharmatechoutlook.com